Agility and Flexibility – In the face of the current context, we are aware of the importance to act flexible and adapt quickly. We embrace change and adjust our strategy accordingly whenever the circumstances need it.

Expertise and Meticulousness – a recognized experience of business development in the luxury industry. A strong knowledge of the culture “des grandes Maisons”, including their constraints and their needs.

Empathy and Positive Mindset – we believe in the benefits and the importance of kindness. Our clients are worth it and we are worth it ! Every mission that is entrusted to us, is approached with a positive and caring mindset.

Creativity and Imagination – thanks to our human structure, we have the possibility to be imaginative and audacious in our approach, creating tailored solution for every business requirement.

Passion – we are fortunate to enjoy a work that we feel passionate about. We truly love the creative universe and admire their artistic talents. Meeting with them fills us with pride and enthusiasm and we are eager to define our objectives together.

Network – we love our clients and have built strong and privileged ties with them. We mutually trust and rely on each other.


Once our collaboration has started, we are partners.
We share your values and embody your culture. Together we set the targets and work towards them. Collectively we take decisions and install the vision for your brand.
Our work is based on listening, trust, transparency, and kindness.
We will offer you our support all along our collaboration and provide you with advice, feedback and strategic analysis.


  • First encounter in your offices. Mutually meet and introduce each other, get a feeling of your universe, your DNA. Understanding and study of the context, in order to define your expectations and needs.
  • Presentation of action plan. (target, framework, deadline, perimeter, budget)
  • Approval and contractualisation.
  • Go!